We are thrilled to announce our exciting new sale on our delicious heritage rainbow eggs.
As small-scale egg farmers, we take pride in providing our community with the freshest, most vibrant eggs around. Whether you're a local farmer's market enthusiast, a boutique gift shop owner, or a butcher shop connoisseur, there's something for everyone to enjoy.
Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to taste the difference that our eggs bring to your table.
The most colorful humanly-raised eggs you’ve ever eaten!
Support Your Small Local Farmers
Support Your Local Restaurants
Support Your Local Butcher Shops
Rainbow Farms Eggs
AA Large
Rainbow Farms Chocolate
Brown Eggs AA Large
Our signature rainbow eggs come from a mix of heritage breeds of chickens that have the freedom to roam freely on small family farms in Colorado.
Our hens are fed organic feed grown in Montana. No antibiotics ever. Eggs are hand-collected each week and have beautiful rich yolks.
Farm-fresh eggs can last two months in your refrigerator as unwashed eggs have a much longer shelf life.